Harvest Bible Chapel

Listen now to the weekly sermons from the pastors at Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicagoland.

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16 hours ago

"Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen." Ephesians 3:14–21Listen to the message "A Prayer for the Body" from Ephesians 3:14–21 in our series A.S.K., and and learn more about this powerful, personal God.This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Pastor Romarez MoodySound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Oct 06, 2024

How do you respond when fear strikes? Do you try to plan your escape? Run from what scares you? Or feel overwhelmed and give up? Instead, follow King Jehoshaphat’s example: seek the Lord, remember who God is, and keep your eyes on Him.
Listen to the message "A Desperate Prayer" from 2 Chronicles 20:1–12 in our series A.S.K., and discover how to face fear with faith.This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Pastor Tommy CreutzSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Sep 29, 2024

Why do so many people today feel overwhelmed by anxiety? Society has countless opinions on the causes and quick fixes, but in his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul offers God's remedy. He acknowledges:
Anxiety is real.
Prayer is the solution.
Peace is the result.
Tune in to the message "Anxiety-Driven Prayer" from Philippians 4:6–7 in our series A.S.K., and discover how God’s peace can transform your heart.
This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Sep 22, 2024

What does Jesus teach us about prayer? He invites us to call to Him for our daily provision, to keep short accounts with Him by asking for daily forgiveness, and to pray for protection from the enemy and his schemes.Listen to the message How to Pray According to Jesus, Part 2 from Matthew 6:11–13 in the series A. S. K. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Sep 15, 2024

"How should we pray?" the disciples asked Jesus. Jesus responded not for the praise of others and not like a babbling pagan. He also said to pray to our Father in Heaven, to regard God's name highly, and for His rule and reign to be finalized.
Listen to the message How to Pray According to Jesus, Part 1 from Matthew 6:5–10 in the series A. S. K. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Sep 08, 2024

Why should we pray? Because God invites us to pray. Because as followers of Jesus, we have a special relationship with Him. Because God is good.
Listen now to the message Ask Seek Knock from Matthew 7:7–11 in the series A. S. K. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Sep 01, 2024

There's care because He's your Father, but judgment because of your rebellion, and mercy because of His compassion.
Listen now to the message Our Compassionate Father from Hosea 11:1–9 in the final message of the series Thus Saith the Lord. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Pastor Jeff ThompsonSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Aug 25, 2024

"He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength. Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted; but they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:29–31He's compassionate, faithful to His Word, wise, and sovereign. He's the God worth waiting for!Listen now to the message A God Worth Waiting For from Isaiah 40:1–31 in the series Thus Saith the Lord. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Aug 18, 2024

When we begin to understand how high and lifted up God is; how completely perfect and holy He is, we cannot help but be undone. His holiness makes us more aware of our sinfulness and in awe of Him. God's holiness creates despair and His mercy creates dedication to Him.Listen now to the message Holy Holy Holy from Isaiah 6:1–13 in the series Thus Saith the Lord. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Sunday Aug 11, 2024

In this often challenging life, we want to remember the God of the past and hope in the God of the future. God never fails and He always keeps His Word. We can trust Him in the most difficult circumstances.Listen now to the message Finding a Place to Rest from Habakkuk 3 in the series Thus Saith the Lord. This podcast is a production of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.Executive Producer: Flavius HerloSpeaker: Dr. Jeff BucknamSound design, mixing, and editing: Nathaniel DulskiGraphic Design: Wesley CassfordSocial Media: Bryan SpahrProducer: Nathaniel DulskiWE INVITE YOU TO CONNECT WITH US: • Website: www.harvestbible.org/ WE INVITE YOU TO FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA: • Instagram: @harvestbiblechapel • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harvestbiblechapel/

Harvest Bible Chapel

One church meeting on multiple campuses across Chicagoland serves together for this purpose: to glorify God. Bearing witness and bearing fruit, we have seen God continue to change lives through the people and ministries of our church. Listen now.

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